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“The Social Media Revolution” Has Been Updated on YouTube

A YouTube video based on a #1 international best-selling book, Socialnomics, by Erik Qualman, has recently been released.  Social Media Revolution 2011 is a three-minute video with the latest facts on how social media affects our communication, business, and the way we live our lives overall.  While the new video is full of remarkable information, we found the following statistics especially fascinating.

1. YouTube is the 2nd largest search engine in the world.

YouTube is a powerful search engine that generates a massive amount of traffic from all kinds of viewers – some of whom could be your potential clients.

2. The latest Ford Explorer ad on Facebook generated more traffic than a Super Bowl ad.

Compare the cost of a Super Bowl ad to a Facebook ad.  That’s a no-brainer.

3. 90% of consumers trust peer recommendations.  Only 14% trust advertisements.

Online resources, such as Yelp!, are changing the way people decide to buy.

4. 93% of marketers use social media for business.

Your competition is most likely active in social media – are you?

5. “We don’t have a choice in whether we DO social media.  The question is how well we DO it.”  – Erik Qualman

Qualman hits on the purpose of social media.  If you are still wondering how social media is worth your investment, now is the time to learn how measurable social media can impact your ROI.

Social media is strategic.  Are you involved in the social media revolution?

Published on: October 20, 2011
