Park Nicollet Foundation Spotlight Gala

This past Saturday, CEL had the honor of participating in the Park Nicollet Foundation Spotlight Gala. This year, Park Nicollet Foundation shined a special spotlight on their new Growing Through Grief Program. Growing Through Grief provides in-school grief and school crisis support for students who have experienced the death of a family member or friend. Grief services are provided free of charge to the student and include peer support groups and one-to-one counseling on a regular basis throughout the school year. Collaborative crisis management support for death related incidences, such as when a staff or family member dies, are also provided to the school community. Each year, Growing Through Grief partners with 13 school districts and 72 public schools to provide support to thousands of students. As many as 500 students use the program each week.
CEL was privileged to sponsor, provide event design and support the Park Nicollet Foundation Spotlight Gala. The night came together with touching stories, soul-filled music, and great company. Over a thousand community members and friends of Park Nicollet Foundation came to support the cause. Stedman Graham, author, educator and entrepreneur, spoke at the event, stating that the Growing Through Grief Program is something that he has never seen before in the country, and commended its importance.
By the end of the night, over $675,000 was raised for Park Nicollet Foundation’s Growing Through Grief Program. CEL is proud to be a part of the Spotlight Gala and help make a difference for this life-changing program. Children and teens will receive the unique guidance and support they need to live a life they love.
Published on: October 8, 2018