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Assess Your Success – The Marketing and PR Scorecard is a Winner!

Effective school communication forms the bedrock of educational success. It fosters relationships, drives partnerships, and celebrates progress. Evaluate your current communications strategies with our School Communications Scorecard. 

Why Use a Communications Scorecard?

      1. Highlight Strengths and Areas for Improvement: Identify what you’re doing well and where you could increase your efforts.
      2. Set Strategic Goals: With a clear picture of your current performance, you can set targeted, achievable goals for enhancement.
      3. Allocate Resources Effectively: Understanding your communication strengths and weaknesses allows you to invest time and resources where they’ll have the most impact.
      4. Increase Community Support: A communications scorecard provides a quick overview. Next, identify where you can gather concrete data to demonstrate communication needs and successes, helping you gain support from administrators, board members, and other key decision-makers for your communication initiatives.

Elements of the School Communications Scorecard

Our comprehensive scorecard covers ten key areas:

1. Strategic Focus & Goals
2. District/School Brand Identity
3. Internal Alignment
4. Print and Digital Materials
5. School Website
6. Social Media Presence
7. Community Engagement
8. Media & Public Relations
9. School Events & Outreach
10. Reputation Management

For each category, you’ll rate your school’s performance on a scale of 0 to 5, allowing for a nuanced assessment of your communication efforts. But don’t stress too much about it—this isn’t a comprehensive audit. Think of it as a checklist to help you quickly quantify and qualify.

Calculating and Interpretation of Your Results

Once you’ve completed the scorecard, calculate your total score out of 50 points. The score provides valuable insights, but most importantly, your score isn’t just a number—it’s a roadmap for improvement. For example, if you score low in “Community Engagement,” you know to prioritize strategies like increasing event participation or strengthening local partnerships.

Next Steps

      1. Share your results with your administrative team and board
      2. Identify top priorities for the upcoming school year
      3. Allocate resources for critical improvements
      4. Schedule a follow-up audit in 6-12 months


At CEL Marketing PR Design, we understand that every school has a unique story to tell. Our Communications Scorecard is just the beginning. Let’s work together to ensure your school’s narrative resonates with your community and beyond.

Ready to elevate your school’s communication strategy? Download our free Communications Scorecard today and take the first step towards telling your school’s story in a creative, effective, and lasting way. 


Content updated: July 2024

Published on: July 12, 2024
