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Gratitude and Giving

Giving, for many of the businesses we encounter, goes beyond a one-day or one-time occurrence. It is a core value, embedded in their operations and culture. But at least once a year, we need to take time to reflect and give thanks. We’ve seen some amazing giving results this year!

Within the past two months, our CEL team has been involved with non-profit, public and private organizations that are literally changing lives for children, adults and families. Their essential work enhances the lives of their employees and our CEL team members. We are proud to call many of them our friends. We’re filled with gratitude for the tremendous amount of giving we’ve seen – just within the last 60 days.

Improving health and well-being through philanthropy

“It was rewarding to see our design work at the Park Nicollet Foundation Spotlight Gala,” graphic designer Erin Molstad said. “We worked collaboratively with the fundraising staff and the event production company to plan the event, create the marketing materials, and design the onsite signage, program and materials. With 1,000 people in attendance, the whole event exuded music, generosity and gratitude.”

As a friend of the Park Nicollet Foundation, CEL Founder Cindy Leines is chairing the Love and Legacy Campaign for Park Nicollet Foundation – with a focus on supporting the health and well-being of youth in our communities. With a $5 million goal, we welcome your gifts!

Hope heals

People share their valuable time, resources and talents. Each of us gives for different reasons. Often we support causes that have personal meaning in our lives. For our whole CEL team, A Night for Noah and the Hope Rocks Gala are more than events – they bring families together to celebrate the lives and love of children who have died.  Design director Scott Rogers shares “For our son Noah’s 10th birthday and our 9th and final event we held another beautiful Night For Noah. We have 150 of our closest friends and family come to support our foundation that gives to Faith’s Lodge, a facility that hosts families who have lost a child or have a terminally ill child. Through everyone’s support we raised $30,000 at this year’s Night For Noah which will go directly to Faith’s Lodge and helping other families who suffered such a tragedy as we have.”

We also admire and enjoy the B&E Sharing & Caring Foundation’s Charity Poker Party, where the three top winners select the charity of their choice to receive the donated funds. This annual event hosted by Business & Estate Advisers brings together people who are passionate about diverse causes.

Our clients are making a difference:

  • Helping children, families and staff through difficult times after the death of a loved one.
  • Supporting music therapy for patients hospitalized or in hospice.
  • Providing financial and emotional support to parents whose baby has died.
  • Mentoring students in identifying and achieving their dreams.
  • Providing safety and security with affordable housing.
  • Helping each and every student be prepared for the global world.

Here’s a tribute to clients who are making a difference in the lives of the young and old.

We are grateful for the people who have blazed the trails and established the opportunities for gratitude and giving. We ask you to take time today to say thank you to those you know who, while running their own busy lives and companies, are sharing their time, talents or resources for others.

Thanks to each of you (you know who you are!) that pave the way. Live your mission and values, and make a difference in the lives of others. We are each better because of you.


#ParkNicolletFoundation #LoveandLegacy #HopeRocks #GIVEMN #gratitude

Published on: November 14, 2019
