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Audi Ireland Runs Risky Twitter Campaign

photo courtesy of Flickr

One quick glance at Audi Ireland’s Twitter activity recently could have had many in an uproar. Instead, the company is being praised by some for their most recent Twitter campaign that uses ‘#WomenDrivers‘ with images of crashed vehicles, parking mishaps, and more.

So why has there not been a social media storm and boycott on Audi Ireland? Because the company’s risk is also an example of hidden genius. The purpose of the campaign is to bash stereotypes and educate the audience on women drivers. No, not women behind the wheel of a car necessarily, but women driving businesses and innovation. Click on any of the links within their Tweets and you’ll be taken to a story about a woman or women that are thriving in the business world. Audi Ireland did release a YouTube video explaining the campaign.

The downside to the campaign so far is it has not seen the engagement the company would probably like to see from its audience. There are questions to go along with the low engagement. Are followers not clicking the links? Should the posts have been promoted through paid Twitter advertisement? What percentage of the audience is women?

Even with the low engagement, Audi Ireland is still seeing praise from those who have clicked through the links and noticed what the company is doing by trying to eliminate a stereotype of women drivers.

Published on: May 7, 2015
