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The How and Why of Twitter Lists

The question which used to be “What is Twitter and why should I use it?” has now morphed into “What are Twitter lists and why should I use them as a part of my strategic social media plan?”

Simply put, Twitter Lists are a way to organize the people you’re following on Twitter. Examples are having a list for family members, for friends, another for clients, etc. The list then groups the members of that list together, giving you a bird’s (Twitter’s) eye view of the posts just from people in that group.

Here is a list of suggested Twitter lists that can help you organize your business, making life much easier.

Industry Peers

Professionals and Experts in your field



Partners or Collaborators


Local people

Event specific

Business Journalists/Bloggers


Twitter List Tip: Explore the lists of the people you follow on Twitter. If someone already has a list you will find useful or helpful, follow that list instead of creating your own duplicate list. Twitter only allows 20 lists, you’d be surprised how quickly you can use those 20 lists on your own!

Published on: August 12, 2011
