Richfield Public Schools Inspire Confidence, Inclusivity and Innovation Through Branding
Despite a long history and a strong sense of community, Richfield Public Schools had never engaged in a districtwide branding process. Logos had been created by individual administrators or coaches over time. A historical exploration revealed a variety of fonts, logos and even debates about what shade of red represented the Richfield Public Schools. The Spartan logo was dated, complex and difficult to reproduce, which resulted in many teams and clubs creating their own variations. For a district often referred to by realtors as “an up and coming community for young families,” the district brand needed a refresh to inspire confidence, inclusivity and innovation.
Working with a local marketing firm, Richfield Public Schools engaged parents, teachers, administrators and student leaders through focus groups, PTO and advisory council meetings, webinars, electronic surveys and feedback forms. Stakeholders weighed in throughout the process of updating the District logo and revising the brand promises the District is making to families.
This fall, Richfield Public Schools rolled out a new brand, focused on personalized learning, rich opportunities, real community and innovation in action.
Enriching and accelerating learning is the new district tag line. To keep today’s students actively engaged as agents of their own learning, schools must provide enriched opportunities and allow students to work at a pace that keeps them challenged.

In Richfield, families also experience real community: a caring community, rich in diversity and relationships. The District is small enough to know every student by name, interest and motivation. The staff supports and challenges students to bring their best selves to school every day.
Staff know that each child has unique gifts and every family has their own dreams for their children. Richfield Public Schools promises to personalize learning. The greatest threat to learning is boredom. The District is committed to engaging every student in rigorous and relevant lessons with a focus on career and college readiness.
Whether a student’s passion is the marching band, robotics, English literature or some of the many high school athletic or academic teams, Richfield offers rich opportunities. Through the four A’s of academics, arts, athletics and activities, the District opens doors to opportunities and leadership development. The staff and community are invested in the success of every Richfield student.
Richfield Public Schools is transforming education. Teachers are changing the way they teach and better connecting with the way students learn. Schools are preparing students for jobs and careers that can only be imagined by teaching them to be critical thinkers and creative problem-solvers. The District is putting innovation in action and closing the digital divide. Every student in Richfield Public Schools will have access to the highly qualified teachers, technology and exciting learning opportunities they need to succeed.

The new District logo symbolizes the modern Richfield vibe — one that resonates with young families. The new look reflects the inclusive, forward-thinking and caring Richfield community that students, parents, grandparents and community elders love.
Richfield Public Schools is innovating and updating, but its mission to inspire and empower each individual to learn, grow and excel remains steadfast, as do their core values of caring, respect, honesty and responsibility.
Originally published in AMSD Connections – November 2019 | Vol 17 • No 2
Written by Jennifer Valley, Director of Marketing & Communications, Richfield Public Schools
Published on: November 8, 2019