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NSPRA 2022: Our Top 15 Session Picks

There is no bigger professional learning event in the world of school PR each year than the National School Public Relations Association (NSPRA) Seminar. Whether you are attending with other school communications pros in Chicago or joining virtually, now is the perfect time to add a few must-see sessions to your calendar. 

“There are so many great learning sessions at NSPRA — more than any individual can realistically absorb,” said Kristin Magette, APR. “I always take time before I travel to choose two or three high-priority sessions that match my needs or help expand my perspective in a new area. Adding those sessions to my work calendar makes them my highest priority over the week. I know I’ll walk away with knowledge and skills I need most, and everything else I attend is a bonus.”

The keynote speakers are Seminar highlights worth prioritizing. The breakout session topics and formats vary throughout the day on Monday, July 18 and Tuesday, July 19. Wednesday, July 20 is a packed morning with almost 100 Gold Mine Sessions — pick 6 topics of interest and drop in on small table discussions that rotate every 20 minutes over a two-hour period. 

Here are some of the sessions the CEL team is excited about. Our must-see list covers topics from digital marketing to equity and inclusion, presented by many of our clients, colleagues, friends and CEL’s team. Whatever sessions you choose, we genuinely look forward to learning with you in Chicago. 

Attending Seminar remotely? Many of the sessions below are offered as part of the virtual Seminar, along with bonus content. As you plan your calendar, review the virtual conference program for a complete list of sessions and virtual presentation times.


Meeting at the Crossroads: Searching for Common Ground in a Divided Community

Monday, 3-4 p.m. (or Tuesday, 7-7:45 p.m. virtual)
Mandee Puleo, APR and Janet Swiecichowski, APR

We’ve all been there, that dreaded board meeting where parents speak out against what they believe is an affront to their values or disruptive to their child’s education. National polls tell us public education is a top issue leading up to the midterm elections. How can we anticipate activism and still engage our community productively? Learn best practices to anticipate and manage issues, diffuse and redirect angry publics, and maintain public understanding and support with research, common messaging and active listening. Leave this session with an effective communication plan, prepared for your next encounter with the toughest critics.

7 Things to Know About Multilingual Communication

Monday 8-9 a.m.
Maria Kury and Susan Arensman

Relying on Google Translate or students as their parents’ interpreters is not the best or only way to reach non-English speaking families. We know better, so let’s do better! Understanding families’ background and culture might be the best tool you have yet to discover. Learn seven things to know about multilingual communication and how to go beyond the message to build trust and develop champions for education.

Stories That Matter: Building Trust as a New Superintendent

Monday, 1-1:45 p.m. (virtual)
Nate Rudolph, EdD and Janet Swiecichowski, APR, Fellow PRSA

Welcome to the superintendency — one of the most challenging jobs in America! Whether you’re a communicator supporting a new superintendent — or a new superintendent yourself — a leadership communication strategy is key to achieving your goals… and keeping your job. This session will provide a framework for prioritizing storytelling, anticipating issues, building influential relationships, leading with empathy, and remembering to laugh — while juggling a multitude of stakeholder needs and demands.

Intentional Recruiting for School Communications Departments

Monday, 1:15-2:45 p.m.
Joe Ortiz, Music Watson, APR, Jessica Martinez-Brooks, Catherine Carbone-Rogers, APR, Trent Allen, APR, Sheba Clarke and David Smith

Diversity within a communications department can have a positive effect on the equity and inclusiveness of a school district’s communication practices. Listen as a panel of current and past department leaders explore the barriers that prevent districts from attracting a more diverse spectrum of applicants for communications positions. Panelists will offer strategies for reducing bias in recruitment practices and share their ideas for developing a more diverse pipeline of future communication leaders.

Hitting Your School PR Sweet Spot: Max Out Your Mid-Career Impact

Monday, 3-4 p.m.
Anissa Sullivan Jimenez, MPA, APR, Melissa Robinette and Ashley Thublin, APR

You’ve formed relationships, have a well-maintained website and are posting regularly on social media…what’s next? Learn strategies to immediately increase your communications and leadership impact, including how to manage relationships when district leadership changes, how to earn a seat at the leadership table and how to create systems to increase your effectiveness. With over 30 years of combined experience, the presenters also will share how to support fellow school PR pros in boosting their role.

Seattle Rising: A Campaign to Recruit Teachers of Color 

Monday 3-4 p.m.
Lesley Rogers, APR, Beverly Redmond and Rachel Nakanishi

Seattle Public Schools wants to hire and retain more teachers to reflect the diversity of their 50,000+ students. A partnership between the SPS communications team, the human resources team and Strategies 360 developed the “Seattle Rising” campaign to recruit teachers to come work in a district where the majority of educators are white and do not represent the diversity of the student population. Learn what worked, what didn’t and what tips and tools you can take back to your district.

Rediscover the Magic of School PR

Monday, 4:15-5:15 p.m.
Christy McGee, APR

Why did you get into school PR? Do you remember? Let’s spend some time together, tapping into your initial days on the job! What were your goals? What did you hope to accomplish? Those goals are still there! Underneath the daily stress and constant pivoting are still goals, objectives and tactics waiting to get done, all in the name of serving kids. In this session, participants will walk away with the inspiration to refocus on their strategic plans. The goal is to have all the enthusiasm and excitement of a newbie, with the strategy and passion of a veteran!

Response and Recovery: Managing a Racial Crisis

Tuesday, 8-9 a.m.
Rick Kaufman, APR 

A rash of racial and bias incidents in schools are causing fragmentation and division not unlike what we see across the country, especially on issues of diversity, equity and inclusion. School districts don’t know where to start, what to do or are taking too long to address the incident. Managing a racial crisis in the moment may be one of the toughest leadership challenges, but recovering from one can be equally daunting if not more so. Learn how to create your own Racial Harms Protocol and Response Plan, which can help school communicators and other district leaders turn a racial crisis into a catalyst for positive change.


Response and Recovery: Managing a Racial Crisis

Tuesday, 8-9 a.m.
Rick Kaufman, APR 

A rash of racial and bias incidents in schools are causing fragmentation and division not unlike what we see across the country, especially on issues of diversity, equity and inclusion. School districts don’t know where to start, what to do or are taking too long to address the incident. Managing a racial crisis in the moment may be one of the toughest leadership challenges, but recovering from one can be equally daunting if not more so. Learn how to create your own Racial Harms Protocol and Response Plan, which can help school communicators and other district leaders turn a racial crisis into a catalyst for positive change.

Data-Driven Content Marketing: Analytics in Action

Tuesday, 1:15-2:45 p.m.
Suzy Finn

With an overwhelming amount of data available to communicators and marketers, how can busy school public relations professionals use the information available to make strategic choices about content creation? One effective approach: partner with an expert in digital data to review the customer journey, identify the data points most relevant to the journey, and let that data shape your approach to content marketing. Learn about the Wichita Public Schools team’s journey to using analytics strategically, and practice the individual parts that led to a holistic marketing approach.

Perform Your Best With Healthy Boundaries

Tuesday, 3-4 p.m.
Kristin Magette, APR 

School PR is a demanding job, and that fact has never been more real! The last three school years have pushed many high-performing pros to the brink of chronic stress, with risks for occupational burnout. Healthy boundaries are one of the best strategies to keep you at your best, no matter what comes. We’ll explore examples of healthy boundaries and learn exactly how to communicate them with the boss and team. Leave with a clear understanding of the steps to take to be at your best for your school district, your loved ones and yourself. 

Using Video to Amplify Student Voice in Our Equity Journey

Tuesday, 3-4 p.m. (Or Monday, 2-2:45 p.m. virtual)
Jake Sturgis, APR, Toya Stewart Downey

How can the power of student voice serve as a catalyst for building a safer, more equitable and inclusive learning environment? Learn how Robbinsdale Area Schools have leveraged student voice and video to create professional development tools that address difficult topics. From talking about the n-word to discussing classroom inequities, students have pushed adults to identify critical factors driving our gap. We’ll share how we amplified student stories through video to humanize our data, and the impacts we are seeing from this challenging work.

Calling Ted Lasso: Coach Tips for School PR Pros

Tuesday, 4:15-5:15 p.m.
Shawn McKillop, APR 

School public relations professionals perform at such an elite level. Whether we are dealing with a crisis, navigating the latest health measures or supporting a community after a student death, this job is hard. Like a high-performing athlete, we need a coach to help motivate us and get the job done. Coach Ted Lasso reminds us to BELIEVE! Learn lessons in leadership to keep you on your game, strategic communication approaches that will enhance your performance, and tactical plays that will win every time. We know it has been a tough road, but we will persevere. 

Sneak Peek: Introducing Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Rubrics into School Communications

Tuesday 4:15-5:15 p.m.
Royal Gurley, Ed.D., Erica Chandler, APR, Amanda Holdsworth, Ed.D., APR, Brian Graves and Kimberlee Armstrong, Ed.D.

In response to changes in the workforce climate, where all organizations and professions are now pressed to show evidence of quantifiable value, NSPRA established the School Communication Benchmarking Project Team. Since 2012, its members have worked to identify best-in-class practices and performance measures for critical function areas of a communication program, as detailed in NSPRA’s Rubrics of Practice and Suggested Measures.


3 Ways to Turn Your One-Person PR Department Into a Team

Wednesday, 8-9 a.m. Gold Mine session
Kristin Boyd Edwards

Teamwork makes the dream work. No doubt, you’ve heard that phrase dozens of times, from middle school group projects to high-stakes sporting events. However, when you’re flying solo and juggling multiple responsibilities in a one-person communications shop, it can sometimes feel impossible to find reliable “teammates” who can assist. Generating content, sharing your district’s story and managing effective two-way communication takes teamwork. Get three easy-to-implement ideas to help you tap existing resources and build a solid communications team – without busting your budget.

Digital Marketing: More Than Social Media Ads

Wednesday, 8-9 AM
Kate Martin and Shawn Hogendorf

When it comes to selecting a school for their child, parents are choosy—and they’ve never had more options. Long before they walk into a school, they narrow their choices by searching online. Digital marketing is critical if you want to be found among the select few. Designing a digital marketing campaign goes beyond ads. From branding to user experience, communicators are learning new skills in the digital world. Hear from districts that launched digital campaigns. Learn how to map the customer journey, plan touch-points, execute for SEO, and integrate paid, earned, owned media to get results.


This list is certainly not comprehensive — sometimes the most memorable session is a pleasant surprise. Review the guide in advance and schedule a few sessions (and at least one networking event!). 

“My best advice for Seminar is to keep an open mind,” said Kristin Boyd Edwards, CEL writer and strategist. “Don’t shy away from joining a conversation in the hotel lobby or on an elevator ride with people you’ve never met. Follow the Seminar hashtag on Twitter and connect with people there. The NSPRA community is welcoming and generous, and Seminar is the perfect time to widen your circle of knowledge.”

In a week packed with learning, don’t forget to take a deep breath and have some fun. Look for the Relaxation Station, sponsored by our friends at Smore and located near the Seminar Marketplace. With massages, aromatherapy, music and more, it’s the perfect place to work some K12prWell into a busy day.

And when it’s time to venture out and enjoy Chicago, check out this Guide to the NSPRA Seminar from our friends Josh Sauer, APR and Morgan Delack, APR, at Finalsite. This guide is full of recommendations for dinners, tourist spots, making friends, staying active and connecting digitally, along with money-saving tips you can use at a national conference. 

No matter your NSPRA experience, you are sure to learn new things, connect with helpful colleagues and spark relationships that will strengthen your work in the year to come.

Published on: July 5, 2022
