Marketing With a Mission
Are you marketing with a cause? If not, you might what to think about it. A recent Nielsen survey revealed that two thirds (66%) of consumers around the world say they prefer to buy products and services from companies that give back to society. In addition, 46 percent of these consumers said they would even pay extra!
Cause-related marketing brings for-profit businesses and nonprofit organizations together for the greater good of all. It is the premise on which our company was founded, leading to our passionate commitment to the betterment of business, family, and the community. We continue to be involved in the community and we encourage our clients to cause market because it’s simply good business. If you do it right and for the right reasons, you will be rewarded with new and loyal clients, while further solidifying relationships with your existing ones.
Here’s an example of how it works – Picture yourself here:
Kentucky Roots
Duke Energy of Kentucky and Ohio wanted to strengthen their environmental position within the communities they serve, and the Kentucky Roots campaign that we created for the Northern Kentucky Urban & Community Forestry Council was a perfect way to do it.
Duke Energy agreed to a lead sponsorship with a cash donation that enabled us to significantly expand the reach of the educational campaign. Duke Energy’s logo and key tree planting and digging safety messages are now on the sides of buses, on the radio, and on t-shirts and banners across Northern Kentucky. More importantly, they are positioned as an environmental leader, dedicated to caring for trees within the communities they serve.
Do you have a passion for a specific cause or nonprofit organization? Is there a campaign that you can sponsor and position yourself as a leader in your industry and community?
According to Entrepreneur Magazine, cause marketing is “now the norm.” Add cause marketing to your marketing and public relations strategic plan.
Published on: September 9, 2014