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Does Your Website Say It All?

When you meet a new business prospect or a potential client who shows interest in your business/services, how do you react? Are you able to effectively give that prospect more information without overwhelming them with a sales-y lecture? After giving your simple elevator speech, let your website and strong branding do the talking.

“Make sure your website is attention-getting, informational, and in line with your brand standards,” said Chelsea Janke, Vice President, Integrated Marketing at CEL. “You shouldn’t have to click more than three times from your homepage to find desired information. Use your website as a snapshot or representation of your business and what it has to offer, while making sure that it is also user-friendly for your clients and prospects.”

  • Attention-getting. The average visitor spends 53 seconds on a website. So you have less than a minute to make an impression before your prospect might click away from your site. If you’re providing what they’re looking for, make sure they recognize it right away by using quality web design features.
  • Consistent with your brand. Brand consistency means you use the same visuals, voice, and messaging across all channels of communication, including your website, social media and print. When your brand is consistent, you’re easily recognizable by your prospects.
  • Informational content. When someone comes to your website, they should be able to find all the information they need to move forward with your service. Yet, your website doesn’t need to have every detail. The content on your website should represent what you and your company has to offer
  • User-friendly. If your website is hard to navigate, your visitors will leave. No one has the patience to dig for information or problem-solve through confusing links. A user-friendly, responsibly-designed website is accessible for all, easy to navigate, and clearly displays all important information.

Published on: June 7, 2023
