Cindy Leines
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Cindy Leines

(sin-dee lie-nz)

Founder and CEO

👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Family-Oriented   |   🌟 Community Champion   |   ⛰️ Leadership Adventurer

Meet Cindy Leines, our Founder and CEO, and exceptional leader driven by her unwavering conviction and dedication to the betterment of businesses, families, and communities. With a profound understanding of the power of relationships, Cindy founded CEL in 1988 with the goal of breaking down barriers and uniting organizations for the greater good. Drawing from her extensive background in human services, healthcare organizations, and schools, she recognized the immense potential and impact of bringing together nonprofits, private businesses, government entities, elected officials, the media, and more.

At the heart of Cindy’s leadership is a genuine belief in the importance of serving others and creating a culture where this ethos thrives every day. She is renowned for her relationship-building skills, forging connections that enable communities to thrive. Cindy’s passion for community betterment is ingrained in the very fabric of CEL’s work, as she guides organizations toward finding common ground and purpose, fostering collaboration and collective impact.

An esteemed co-author of numerous articles and a sought-after presenter, Cindy shares her expertise on branding and creative integrated marketing with audiences around the country. Whether captivating groups at the Million Dollar Roundtable in Hawaii or engaging leadership gatherings in Minneapolis,  her presentations leave attendees inspired and armed with practical, effective tactics to drive success. With an unwavering belief that “the process is as important as the end result,” Cindy approaches every project with a delicate balance of strategy and creativity, offering insightful communications solutions tailored to diverse markets and demographics.

In times of challenge, Cindy Leines shines as a trusted leader known for her astute crisis management and communications expertise. With a calm and composed demeanor, she navigates through challenging situations, offering strategic guidance and clear communication to mitigate risks and protect organizational reputations. Cindy’s thoughtful approach ensures that stakeholders are well-informed and supported during critical times, fostering trust and resilience. Her ability to swiftly adapt to evolving circumstances and provide empathetic guidance has been instrumental in helping organizations overcome crises and emerge stronger than before. With Cindy at the helm, clients can have confidence that they have a compassionate and experienced leader to navigate even the most challenging circumstances.

Under Cindy’s visionary leadership, CEL has created a remarkable portfolio of client brands, community programs, campaigns, and strategies. The company’s impactful work extends beyond local boundaries, making a lasting impression nationally and internationally. Cindy Leines is an authentic and caring force who believes in the transformative power of relationships, the betterment of communities, and the realization of organizations’ missions. Partnering with Cindy and CEL ensures a commitment to excellence, collaboration, and community-driven success.