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5 Writing Tips For Better School Website Content

Photo by Krista Reynolds, Never Miss a Moment

Have you been tasked to write all or a portion of your school’s website copy? Do you have pages of content and are struggling with what really needs to be on the website? You are not alone. CEL has seen a significant increase in education’s online communications and the request for assistance. Streamlining content and matching it with the technology priorities is a challenge for many schools and independent districts.

Schools and school districts are finding out that stakeholders are using websites to get their school information. There are a few things you can do on your school’s site to make sure it is engaging your stakeholders correctly.

1. Keywords are important. Make sure you know your keywords and are using them throughout your website and/or blog. Long-tail keywords (keywords with generally four to six words) are also important in improving your site’s Search Engine Optimization.

2. Know your audience. Find out what your stakeholders are looking for. What do they need to know about you? What questions do they most frequently have?

3. Get to the point. Be concise in your writing and address your main message early on. Keep your website copy to necessary information and don’t fill it with too much “fluff.”

4. Link to other important pages. If you are writing about another page, program, or any other school page, be sure to link to that page to make it accessible to your reader.

5. Make your site visual. While your writing is important, make sure you have plenty of visual content. It can be pictures of your staff, students in class, or even infographics.

According to research, users tend to leave a website after 10-20 seconds. Is your school or school district’s site up to today’s standards of its stakeholders?

Published on: August 7, 2020