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Content is King for Social Media Success

Content Marketing: a buzzword that’s been around for a while in Online Marketing circles is making it’s way to broader marketing discussions–and this is a very good thing.

Until the last couple of years as Google and other search engines changed their algorithms with updates like the “Panda” update, you rarely heard the term “content marketing.”  You heard about blogging, email marketing, social media marketing, search engine optimization or search engine marketing–all of which require content to be successful.

What’s changed is that the search engine algorithms have been adjusted to place a high value on quality content–which means brands are starting to place a high value on creating a content marketing strategy for their business as a result. This is a great thing for businesses, as this will help them provide valuable information to their clients and customers (which, in turn, makes Google and the search engines happy).

Online marketing specialist, Caroline Melberg, states, “An interesting report published by The Content Marketing Institute concludes that B2B marketers who are most effective at content marketing have a documented content marketing strategy in place. This is very important because if you want to succeed at anything, then it helps to have a plan. Students of success tell you that you should have your goals in writing. Essentially, that’s what a plan is anyway. It’s not really a strategy unless you can show that you have documented and charted your path from Point A to Success.”

If you want to succeed at content marketing, then we encourage you to develop a strategic content marketing plan for your business. Write it down. Know where you are going and you are more likely to end up there.

Published on: October 24, 2013