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Attention-Getting Customer Service

Good customer service is a core value of business that we work hard to delver daily. After all, without it, we wouldn’t stay in business. But, what does it take to go beyond the ordinary to extraordinary?

As you continue to serve your clients and customers well, keep your eyes open for opportunities to exceed the daily requirement. Here are some things to think about:

Are you making a good first impression?

When customers call, a friendly human voice on the phone is more magnetic than a recording, even in our high-tech society. A warm welcome and the question, “How may I help you?” tells the caller they are important.

Do you follow up with your customers to assure satisfaction?

Burton A/C, Heating, Plumbing and Electrical of Omaha, Neb. makes a point to make daily “happy calls” in follow up to their home service calls. They make sure the customer was satisfied and if for some reason they’re not, they dispatch their “love bug” to the scene, a bright yellow Volkswagen Beetle, driven by their customer service director. The vehicle and the personal attention leave a lasting, positive impression.

Are you a problem solver?

Tuning in to your customer’s pain points and easing that pain is invaluable. Always be thinking of creative solutions and ask yourself what you can do to make their work and life easier.

Judd Frost Clothiers of Wayzata, Minnesota went over and above the call of duty to make sure a groom had his pants on at the altar. After finding his “wedding pants” left behind in their dressing room, the owner put the pants on a plane to get them to the church on time. This exceptional customer service story grabbed the attention of the  Minneapolis Star Tribune and The Washington Post. That is national media coverage for a small, Minnesota-based business.

What’s a customer service story you could share? Is it a story that you could tell to educate and inspire others, while putting your business and good employees in the media spotlight?

Published on: March 4, 2014