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5 Hot Web Trends for 2014

The web world is always evolving, but this year, there appears to be a need for speed that is manifesting in multiple hot website trends.

We are pleased to share five of them with you, along with his reaction and recommendations.

Flat website design

Or in other words, simplistic, or clean. The flashy 3-D “over-designed” trend has gone away, making room for a simple “user-friendly” experience.

Typography takeover

With Google Web Fonts‘ endless supply of free “web-safe” fonts, designers are experimenting with various ones to make your website come alive. But be warned–make sure the design doesn’t go rouge and drastically move away from your brand guidelines.

Full background images and video

2013 brought a new trend to the scene–full background images on websites. As an artistic approach, the background video is making its way into mainstream for website design. Often they are muted videos that are dark in contrast and not so distracting that they will give you a headache when looking at the site.

One-page sites with lots of scrolling

With updated mouse technology making it easier to scroll, web designers have taken notice. Why click through multiple landing pages when you can scroll and find everything you need on one page. You will need a “flat design” to capitalize on this approach.

Video killed the copywriter

With YouTube being the second highest search engine, and the ever-increasing obsession with videos, the world is now looking to get their information via a “play” button. Now, producing, shooting, and editing video can put a little hole in your marketing budget, but it can be a good investment if you also utilize it in other aspects of your marketing, including social media.

Explore the web trends to see how you can give your site a boost. Strive to keep your website updated to attract new clients, while continuing to speak to your target market in a language that they can understand.

Published on: April 1, 2014
