4 Tips for Good Website Communication

Your website is one of your most prominent and easily accessible communication tools, so utilize the real estate wisely with key messages and attention-getting content. Here are four tips for effective website communication:
1. Review site analytics regularly to stay up to date on the most frequently viewed pages of your website. Allow this data to guide where you communicate key information and conversion tactics.
2. Avoid using the most popular website pages, About Us and Meet the Team, to hard sell. When the consumer reaches these pages, they are starting to build a rapport with your organization, so hard-selling them as they are striving to educate themselves could result in high bounce rates (meaning they leave the site after a very short period of time). Instead, take a soft-sell approach to educate visitors about your organization and the value you will bring to them.
3. Use images to reflect a message that resonates with your target audience. Pictures are worth a thousand words and can quickly show the benefit and the emotion. For example:
- Lifestyle images serve to depict the benefits and impact of working with your company. If you’re a financial services company, people sailing on the ocean or standing by the Eiffel Tower in Paris highlights financial freedom. Or, if you’re a non-profit organization, photos of the people you serve living vibrant lives can inspire support.
- If your product or service is complex or highly technical, you may want to use images or video that help illustrate the complexity in terms that your visitors quickly understand the benefits to them.
- Use imagery that allows your website visitors to picture themselves within your environment, meeting their goals as a result of the services you provide, rather than influencing their reaction. One common example of influential images is the overuse of smiling doctor stock photos on a health clinic website.
4. Update your site with new and useful content on a regular basis. This strategy encourages users to come back for more AND the Googlebot to come back and index your page for further search engine optimization (SEO).
Communication is key to attracting new visitors to your website and holding their attention, so make your message stick!
Published on: November 15, 2016